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Importing team members

The Import team members feature lets you quickly add multiple employees to the system from a .csv or .xlsx file.

Julia Haleniuk avatar
Written by Julia Haleniuk
Updated over 3 months ago

The Import team members feature lets you quickly add multiple employees to the system from a .csv or .xlsx file, streamlining the onboarding process for a large team. To import your employee data successfully, follow these steps.

Step 1: Preparing the Import File

  1. Download the Template
    Start by downloading the empty template provided by the system. This template includes preformatted columns for all necessary employee data fields, ensuring your file meets system requirements.

    • Go to the File import section and click Download under "Fill out an empty template."

  2. Fill Out Employee Information
    Open the downloaded template in a spreadsheet editor (e.g., Excel, Google Sheets) and populate it with each employee’s details:

    • Each Row Represents One Employee: Ensure each has their row in the file.

    • Required Fields: You must accurately fill out fields such as First Name, Last Name, Email, and Employment Start Date.

    • Data Format: Use the specified formats in the template for fields like dates (DD-MM-YYYY for dates).

  3. Save Your File
    Once completed, save your file as either .csv or .xlsx, as these are the supported formats. The file size should not exceed 15 MB.

Step 2: Uploading the File

  1. Go to the File Import Page

    • Navigate to the File import section on the admin dashboard.

  2. Upload the File

    • Drag and Drop the file into the upload area or

    • Click Upload file to select the file from your computer manually.

  3. After your upload, the system will begin processing the file.

Step 3: Assigning Access and Roles

After uploading, you’ll assign roles to the imported employees:

  1. Set Up Access and Roles
    Choose the role for each employee. For example:

    • Recruitee: Select Employee as the default role for new team members.

  2. Optional: Send Invitations
    If you want each team member to receive an invitation email to access the platform, check the Create Tellent login and send an invitation email box. This will send a setup instructions to each employee’s email address.

  3. Click Continue to proceed.

Step 4: Mapping Data Fields

The system will automatically map the columns in your file to the system fields. This step ensures that each piece of data is accurately placed in the system.

  1. Review Mappings
    Check each column in your file against the corresponding system field. For instance:

    • Email in your file should be mapped to Email in the system.

    • Employment Start Date should match the Employment Start Date field.

  2. Adjust as Needed
    If any fields are mismatched, use the dropdowns to adjust the mappings manually.

  3. Click Continue to confirm the mappings.

Step 5: Validating the Data

After mapping, the system will validate the data to ensure no errors.

  1. Validation Overview

    • Processed Records: Displays the total number of records reviewed.

    • Correctly Processed Records: Shows the number of records without errors.

    • Records Containing Errors: Lists any records with missing or incorrectly formatted information.

  2. Review Validation Results
    If the validation is successful, a message will confirm that all records have been processed correctly (e.g., “21 records successfully processed with 0 errors”).

  3. Correct Any Errors
    If errors exist, review the feedback provided, make the necessary corrections in your file, and re-upload the file.

  4. Click Continue to proceed if there are no errors.

Step 6: Import Summary

Once the validation is complete, you’ll see an import summary.

  1. Review Import Summary
    The summary shows each employee’s name, status (e.g., invited or not invited), and role. This lets you verify that all employees have been successfully added with the correct information.

  2. Complete the Import
    Click Done to finalize the process. Your employees are now imported into the system.

Tips and Troubleshooting

  • File Format: Make sure the file is saved as .csv or .xlsx. Other formats will not upload.

  • File Size Limit: Files must be under 15 MB. To import larger datasets, split the file into parts.

  • Validation Errors: Double-check your data formatting and ensure that the required fields are not blank. The validation feedback will guide you on any necessary corrections.

Following these steps, you can efficiently import employees, saving time and ensuring data consistency across your team’s records.

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